Digital Arts Dictionary Platform

The dictionary is a wiki platform for sharing information on digital arts, technologies, and culture. The content includes concepts, authors, significant events, and helpful information related to the theory and practices of digital art. The dictionary was created by teachers, doctoral students, students, and interns from the Master's program in Digital Arts at the National Academy of Arts.
It was initiated in 2008 as part of the educational process in the subject "History and Theory of Digital Arts," led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Venelin Shurelov.
In 2019, the project "Online Platform DICTIONARY-DIGITAL ART" received financial support under the "Critique" program, module "Sustainable Models," from The National Culture Fund.
In 2020, the DA LAB Foundation worked on the "Online Platform DICTIONARY-DIGITAL ART" as part of Student Internships - Phase 2, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science, in collaboration with the National Academy of Arts.