Яна Василева

Yana Vassileva

Yana Vasileva

Yana Vassileva lives and works in Sofia. She works in the field of contemporary art, experimenting with different media and techniques such as: live installations, objects and video. Her interests are focused on bio art and digital arts. And the themes she explores are related to memory. She graduated BA (2017) at NATFA Krastyo Sarafov, speciality "Stage and Screen Design" and MA (2019) at National Academy of Arts, speciality "Digital Arts".

E-valuation 3 projects: Yana Vassileva, raw lab, trohi / Triangular Tower of Serdika to RHM Sofia

Triangular Tower of Serdika, Regional History Museum Sofia, bul. Maria Luiza 16,

Projects by artists part of e-valuation 3.0.: Yana Vassileva, raw lab, trohi, 24-28.10.2023